Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010

can I just stand up here?

"can I just stand up here?
on my place where I'm belong to"

oke, berawal dari kata2 tersebut
ad banyak pertanyaan yg mendadak muncul setelah kata2 itu terlintas di benakku
"memangnya dimana 'tempat' ku?"
"ap ad tempat yg bener2 'pas' buat aku?"
"memangnya ad tempat yg bkin aku ngrasa 'yeah, this is the place where I belong to'?" and so on lah -,-

just for a while, I think it's better for me to be like this. Close my heart to other people (especially to guys)
I'm not ready yet to feel that pain again. yeaaaah, even that this pain stiil here. in my heart. and in my soul
I hope we can still like before. Not 'before' at all. It means, I want we can still like before, we can share together. Your love still mine. And my love still yours too. And we will repair all the incident in the past

stupid dreams. hellyeaaaah!

but, am I wrong if I stiil can't let him go? Am I wrong if this feeling still strong and not change even just one bit?
Am I wrong if I love you?

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