Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010

I'm 16cm and 19cm

dan TL twitter hari ini adalah: centimood

sebenernya aku sendiri bingung sih apa gunanya centi-mood ini. Yah, aku cmn dikasih tau si ofek aja
what number of cm are you?

12cm = completely crazy
13cm = sleepy
14cm = bored at home or at work
15cm = party time
16cm = missing my ex
17cm = really happy
18cm = studying or working
19cm = I'm stupidly in love
20cm = sexually satisfied
21cm = in love with the wrong man
22cm = with my boyfriend but in love with somebody else
23cm = want sex
24cm = really happy with my love

I'm 16cm and 19cm. So, how about you?

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